Final Fantasy Versus XIII Is now XV


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It was leaked last year I believe, but the strong rumor was that FF versus 13 was becoming 15 but SE quickly denied this but no longer, tonight it was revealed that this is now Final fantasy XV.


In their press conference today, Square enix has confirmed this is coming to Xbox One as well.
God the newest trailer for this game looked absolute sick, beautiful graphics and if that combat actually plays that fluid and isn't all cinematic bullcrap then it's going to be absolutely sick.

Hopefully it's going to have a strong story, because as it currently stands it feels like the Final Fantasy game to save the series after the mess that was XIII.
SE should stick to PS4 and/or Wii U. They probably got macromoney from Microsoft.

Spiritwarrior said:
It caught me by surprise that Square Enix changed the name of this game to FF15.

THECIA said:
why have they decided to skip xiv this year 

Demon_Skeith said:
because the game fails.
There was an MMO called XIV, which was so terrible that it's getting remade, seemingly in the image of FFVI IIRC.
Spiritwarrior said:
It caught me by surprise that Square Enix changed the name of this game to FF15.
Yeah, me too! This is something unheard of. I mean usually we get a new game with a new world and everything, but this sounds just... weird. I have to admit I haven't played the newer ones yet (I'm about five minutes from finishing FFXII) and the whole FFXIII-and-its-millions-of-spawns seemed really confusing from the start and now this :blink:

ETA: Wait, XIV is getting remade? Or was that a joke?
This is good news all around; it didn't make much sense to me that it was never set in the XIII universe, yet had it in the title. I'm also psyched that it's coming to the One, because while I'm not sold on any console just yet, I still may end up going for the One first. 