Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD


Well-Known Member
Was anyone excited with Final Fantasy X/X-2 re release?

I was, the game seemed to be better improved both in graphics and game play. I actually used a Game Genie save editor to play through them.
Naw, I played myself sick of these two games back on PS2.
Right now I'm using a Game Genie because I don't want to put all my time into them. I already beat them on PS2, so that's hardly cheating if you've already beaten it.
Jupiter8619 said:
Right now I'm using a Game Genie because I don't want to put all my time into them. I already beat them on PS2, so that's hardly cheating if you've already beaten it.
One good thing about GG, but I just checked out the new content on youtube and that was good enough for me.