Final Fantasy XIII-2 Sells Huge


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Fresh on the news of PlayStation Vita's software sales comes word of how Final Fantasy XIII-2 is selling in Japan. And it's selling very, very well.

According to Andriasang, Final Fantasy XIII-2, which launched in Japan on December 15th, has sold 525,271 copies on PlayStation 3. The game also launched in Japan on Xbox 360, though it didn't make the top 20 games sold for the week, and therefore must have sold somewhere underneath 20th place game One Piece Gigant Battle! 2, which pushed 28,406 units in the same time frame.

The same week saw 65,119 new PlayStation 3 consoles sold to Japanese consumers, with only 3,584 Xbox 360s sold during the same time period.


nice start.
360 SUCKS THERE. JEEZ. lol But congrats, I'm very excited for it. Probably will get this for both consoles because I am a trophy whore. lol I think XIII sold somewhere between 1.2-1.7 first week, but this is still good for Japan, who has a small population compared to America.