Multi Final Fantasy XIV 2B's PLOT Enhancement Item Got Nerfed


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Yoshida said that the large asses (without fixes) will be restored in patch 5.18, which is scheduled for Dec 24 2019.
They are also considering butt sliders as a real fix.

Just read this PLOT from kotaku lol:


A special set of armor mimicking Nier Automata protagonist 2B’s look is among one of the most coveted, partially because wearing it will “enhance” your character’s ass. Now, changes to that piece of gear have led to a spree of concern and ass-related speculation from players who want to have an ass like 2B.

The Copied Factory is the first of three Nier-themed “alliance raids” for Final Fantasy XIV. These are huge instances where players can battle beefy bosses and gain quality loot. The Copied Factory has a special loot drop at the end: a box containing a complete outfit that looks just like 2B’s. Included in the outfit are a pair of stockings and underwear that, when first released, made your character’s ass and thighs a little bigger when worn.

But then, a recent patch stealthily flattened this item’s effects whenever certain items were worn along with it, to the dismay of ass fans everywhere.
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