Final Fantasy XV - E3 2013 First Gameplay Trailer


Well-Known Member
This game looks ridiculously good, despite the demo's player being terrible at it (come on, he teleports into attacks and tries to attack when the enemies are out of range!). Combination attacks with allies! Stealth! (maybe?). It looks like it'll be worth the wait! 
I haven't played games in the final fantasy series for a few years, and this seems very far from what I remember.  The combat system seems so different from the turn based combat that I associated with this genre.  All in all though, this game looks very good but I would like to know a little more about how the fighting works!
This game looks amazing to say the least.

Although I was hoping to see more gameplay in the city settings which was said to be inspired by Shinjiku and Tokyo.
I think it's pretty sad that I've never played a Final Fantasy game ever, I didn't know people even really played them, I've never known a friend that played a FF. I might give it a go but it doesn't really look like it's my type of game but I'm not really sure yet.
As always, the Final Fantasy series NEVER fail to surprise me with new content. From this trailer, I can tell you that this years Final Fantasy will surely beat the rest of them due to the graphics available on the PS4 and Xbox one! 

I simply just can not wait!