Final Forms of X and Y Starter Pokemon


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lol. I said the same thing. But this is old news, >_>

I think I'm going with the fire-type.
I've been looking at getting Pokemon X or Y, but haven't played a Pokemon Game since Red, Green, Blue and Yellow in about 1996-99. Are they the same type of games as they were back then, or have they changed a lot?
Ross said:
I've been looking at getting Pokemon X or Y, but haven't played a Pokemon Game since Red, Green, Blue and Yellow in about 1996-99. Are they the same type of games as they were back then, or have they changed a lot?
oh they changed a lot, just check a few trailers.
Ross said:
I've been looking at getting Pokemon X or Y, but haven't played a Pokemon Game since Red, Green, Blue and Yellow in about 1996-99. Are they the same type of games as they were back then, or have they changed a lot?
They change a lot! From little colors to lot of colors. From non-3D to 3D. Wow, that amazing!