Nintendo fire at Nintendo’s Japanese HQ


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Read from VGC:

According to police cited in the Japanese media, the fire was reported just after 1pm but was extinguished by employees before emergency services arrived at the scene.

It’s reported that desks and chairs in a room on the third floor were partially burned in the fire, but that no one was injured.

The police and fire department are investigating the cause of the fire, but it’s claimed that based on the conditions at the scene, it’s believed that the fire could have been caused by an electronic device that was being charged.
Must be using a charger not meant for the device. Put him in the corner and no special game-making privileges for them!
I am glad no one got hurt. Hopefully, Nintendo can prevent future fires from occurring again.
That's crazy! I've heard a lot of news stories about fires on corporations and/or companies lately. I'm glad no one was hurt in this fire, and that they were able to put out the fire before emergency services arrived. Thank you for keeping us up to date on the news.