Fire Emblem: Awakening Coming to the USA


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According to Kotaku Fire Emblem: Awakening, the newest Fire Emblem game is coming state side.

All I can say is, YES!
I will still wait to see if the put out a custom 3ds, it they do I'm so getting that one.
Also bacon for the RNG god that blessed up this day, just remember bacon means they leave you along for a little bit.
This is great news to hear, because after watching the 3DS conference earlier tonight Nintendo failed to show this game of all things. I am excited to get a chance to try this when it comes out in the states. Now at least I can cross this game off of the long list of games that may people are waiting for confirmed localization!
The first Fire Emblem I played was Shadow Dragon on my old DS, and I thought it was really awesome, especially after I learned to get through the levels without losing everyone on your team. I can't wait to play another Fire Emblem game.