Fire Emblem: Echoes - Shadows of Valentia DLC


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Sounds like the same stuff we had with the last games.
Some DLC in Fire Emblem is okay, but I'm personally not a fan of a lot of the DLC so my wallet is safe here.
ditto, I will most likely just get the gold/exp dlc.
I'll have to see what they offer. Who knows, maybe they'll take the Fire Emblem Awakening route and add characters from past games. Though, since this is a remake, it wouldn't make sense. But since when do video games ever need to actually do that?
I'll have to see what they offer. Who knows, maybe they'll take the Fire Emblem Awakening route and add characters from past games. Though, since this is a remake, it wouldn't make sense. But since when do video games ever need to actually do that?

all that matters is that they make money and keep fans pleased.