Firefox 10, released, your views?


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At this rate, Firefox will have a higher number then Final Fantasy 14/FF14. I remember updating to FF 9 only a few weeks a go.

It must make add-on makers for Firefox jobs harder since they always have to update or make sure their FF add-ons are compatible with FF10.\

Plus, the average user might be annoyed that they have to manually update FF so many times a year.

The Forward button for FF is hidden until you need to use the forward button in FF10. The missing Forward button make FF 10 looks weird.

FF 10 works okay, but other browsers like Opera and Chrome still feel faster.
I'm sticking with FF 8 till I need a addon that doesn't work for it.

But I do agree with you on the addon makers, with so many updates others might be driven to other browsers.
The user interface in FF10 looks the same except for the missing forward button. You need to hit the back button for the forward button to show up. FF speed is about the same.

I feel might have more new users and Add-on makers from Firefox and other browser since Opera is not as updated every few weeks as Google Chrome which is on 16, and Firefox which is on 10. Opera is also starting to have enough plug-ins, and skins to be competitive with Firefox, IE and Chrome. Plus, most of the Plug-ins I tried with Opera works.
I've really been thinking of moving to Chrome for multiple reasons, including this one...

I'll need one more strike against Firefox and she and I are going our seperate ways!