Firefox 3.5 Released


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Firefox, the popular web browsing software from Mozilla, underwent a major update today with version 3.5, which boasts a variety of new features performance enhancements, such as location aware website navigation, discreet web browsing, and support for all of the latest HTML, JavaScript, and CSS technologies. Here's a complete list of the new additions to version 3.5:

# More than 70 supported languages
# HTML 5 media support
# Private Browsing Mode
# Inclusion of the new Trace Monkey JavaScript engine
# Location aware browsing
# Native JSON and web worker support
# Faster speculative parsing rendering
# Support for downloadable fonts, CSS media, JavaScript selectors, localized HTML 5 storage (offline/online), and more.

Firefox 3.5 is a 7.7MB download and is available now at


I'm waiting for feed back before getting it.
DOWNLOAD NAO! Its friggin epic, first off the bat you notice a slightly shinier, and more noob friendly user interface. Under the hood it looks sexy
It seems to runs better on Ubantu 9.04 . I had problems with some pages with FF 3.0 in Ubantu 9.04.

Edit: I personally ask that you use the correct spelling for this distribution of linux, I am a fan of it and I rarely call it ubantu, when I do it is a joke. As we all know, overusing said joke is bad for the joke, Thanks Stosh.