First Attempt At A Song


Am I wrong?
I don’t feel like I can be me
My world spins in a Frantic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tock hell like stage
Flames or wrath and rage burn in my passion
I can’t scream over the roar of my emotions

I feel like I’m trapped
Stuck on this Earth where I can’t leave
A small portal opens called “deathâ€
And sometimes I can’t refuse to peer in
My body and mind tainted which each peep

Am I wrong?
I don’t feel like I can be me
My world spins in a Frantic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tock hell like stage
Flames or wrath and rage burn in my passion
I can’t scream over the roar of my emotions

I sit in the back of the room
Unseen by everyone else like you
No one can hear my cries
And sometimes I don’t think I even want ************ like you to

Am I wrong?
I don’t feel like I can be me
My world spins in a Frantic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tock hell like stage
Flames or wrath and rage burn in my passion
I can’t scream over the roar of my emotions

My throat rips from shouting so much
As the blood once good life blue turns red the color of my soul
And as it sits there un-noticed it rots into a dark disgusting black
And I’m wrong for leaving
But right for leaving you