Can you remember which was the first game you played on each of the consoles you own? Like, which game did you immediately play right after you purchased the Playstation 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 or the Xbox 360 / One or the Wii / Wii U?
Sega Genesis - Sonic 2
SNES - Megaman X1
N64 - This is the only one I don't remember for certain. I think it was Goldeneye, but I'm not 100% here.
PS1 - Metal Gear Solid
PS2 - 007: Agent Under Fire
Gamecube - Super Smash Bros: Melee
PS3 - Devil May Cry 4
PS4 - Battlefield 4
U - Super Smash Bros (technically SSB4)
NES - Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Super Nintendo - Super Mario All Stars
N64: Super Mario 64
GameCube - Luigi's Mansion
Wii - Wii Sports
Wii U - Nintendoland
PS1 - The World is Not Enough 007
PS2 - I can't remember :'(
PS3 - Red Dead Redemption
Xbox - Halo
Atari 2600 - Combat
Atari - Can't remember.
NES: Super Spike V'Ball (2in1 with soccer)
SNES: Beethoven
GB: Link's Awakening
N64: Ocarina of Time
GBC: Pokemon Silver.
PS1: some Digimon game, I think.
Gamecube: the Wind Waker
PS2: Maximo
Nintendo DS: The Minish Cap
Wii: Wii Sports
PS3: Red Dead Redemption
Wii U: Nintendoland.
Nintendo 3DS: Ocarina of Time 3D (briefly borrowed it)
NES: Super mario bros
SNES: don't remember
N64: Super mario 64
PS1: FF 7
PS2: don't remember
PS3: Final fantasy 13
Gamecube: super mario sunshine
Wii U: Smash bros U
Game boy color: Not sure
Game boy advance: Not sure
DS: Super mario 64 DS
3DS: Legend of Zelda OoT 3D