FIrst game you played on each console you've owned


Full GL Member
Can you remember which was the first game you played on each of the consoles you own? Like, which game did you immediately play right after you purchased the Playstation 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 or the Xbox 360 / One or the Wii / Wii U? :wtf:
For most consoles I do remember... They were:

Sega Genesis - Sonic 2
SNES - Megaman X1 
N64 - This is the only one I don't remember for certain. I think it was Goldeneye, but I'm not 100% here. 
PS1 - Metal Gear Solid
PS2 - 007: Agent Under Fire
Gamecube - Super Smash Bros: Melee
PS3 - Devil May Cry 4
PS4 - Battlefield 4
U - Super Smash Bros (technically SSB4)
NES - Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
Super Nintendo - Super Mario All Stars
N64: Super Mario 64
GameCube - Luigi's Mansion
Wii - Wii Sports
Wii U - Nintendoland
PS1 - The World is Not Enough 007
PS2 - I can't remember :'(
PS3 - Red Dead Redemption
Xbox - Halo
Atari 2600 - Combat
Atari - Can't remember.
NES: Super Spike V'Ball (2in1 with soccer)
SNES: Beethoven
GB: Link's Awakening
N64: Ocarina of Time
GBC: Pokemon Silver. 
PS1: some Digimon game, I think.
Gamecube: the Wind Waker
PS2: Maximo
Nintendo DS: The Minish Cap
Wii: Wii Sports
PS3: Red Dead Redemption
Wii U: Nintendoland.
Nintendo 3DS: Ocarina of Time 3D (briefly borrowed it)
oh boy...

NES: Super mario bros
SNES: don't remember
N64: Super mario 64
PS1: FF 7
PS2: don't remember
PS3: Final fantasy 13
Gamecube: super mario sunshine
Wii U: Smash bros U
Game boy color: Not sure
Game boy advance: Not sure
DS: Super mario 64 DS
3DS: Legend of Zelda OoT 3D

I'm guessing a lot on these.