Hmmm. Oh dear, it really does look like a cheap-ish Halloween costume. Or like the Sailor Moon costumes from the live-action TV show they did a few years ago! I don't mind the pants (they're probably going for a more "modern" Wonder Woman, right?) but the fabric looks too shiny. It doesn't look "real" like Batman or Spiderman's costumes did.
I wonder if it's because it's a TV show and not a movie, and they have less money to spend on costumes? But STILL. It should look like she's wearing it for real, not for a party. Maybe it'll look better in the actual show.
Princess Guardian Sailor Moon, the TV show version. I didn't mean the Wonder Woman costume looks Sailor Moon-like, just that the material looks somewhat similar. If you look at Wonder Woman's boots and then at the Sailor Senshi's boots, they both have that same shiny, almost plastic-y look to them:
Whereas for (American) superhero movies and such now, I think the trend is to go for more matte fabrics, like actual leather instead of pleather.
It looks mediocre, store bought or something. I don't think I'd use it in my feature film. The girl herself looks pretty identical to Wonderwoman, and beautiful.