First pics of 360 and PS3 motion controller


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Gaming accessories company In2Games, developer of motion sensing gaming technology for the PS3 and Xbox 360, has released the first picture of its 360/PS3 motion controller.

In2Games' Gametrak Freedom is described as, "a remarkable ultrasonic 3D motion sensing technology which delivers performance, control and flexibility far in excess of that offered by existing technologies."

Gametrak Freedom can be used with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles, featuring "proprietary and cutting-edge patent-pending ultrasonic technology to provide a true motion capture gaming experience. Unlike other motion sensing gaming systems, Gametrak Freedom accurately tracks the true 3D position and precise movements of up to four players, anywhere within a given environment, giving total control and unrivalled game play opportunities."

Wii heightens the experience

"Until now, gaming has been limited to the player interacting with the game although platforms such as the Wii have heightened this experience. Now, with the latest motion sensing technology created by In2Games, the game will interact with the player" says Chris Richards, president and CEO for the California-based PDP. "We are extremely excited to bring this unparalleled technology to first-party console manufacturers, as well as third-party publishers and developers to further heighten the level of game interaction with the player."

The first game to make use of Gametrak Freedom's latest controller is In2Games' own Squeeballs, which TechRadar told you about earlier this year.

"We are planning a coordinated launch with other titles from participating publishers and developers that will position PDP's Gametrak Freedom technology as the standard for the industry," said John Moore, vice president of marketing for PDP.

What is Squeeballs?

"It's always good to see other companies adding to the Xbox 360 experience, although with new peripherals like this the big question is what games actually use it," noted editor of Official Xbox 360 magazine, Jon Hicks.

"Music titles like Guitar Hero and Rock Band justify their controllers, I've yet to hear a lot about Squeeballs. But if In2Games can add something new to existing games, that's great."

It is, Nintendo is already releasing something like this, Microsoft and Sony are just copying them. And didn't Sony already have something like this?
Not trying to sound like a nintendo fanboy, though i pretty much am on here

but, leave it to nintendo to once agaion change gaming, and everyone to follow up on that.

they invented the 3-D lock targeting system on LOZ: ocarina of time ... invented and perfected analogue 3-D controls ... and, now, nintendo takes their latests gamble with motion control ... that everyone ridiculed before it's launched ...

and looks who's following in their footsteps
In all honesty, I'm not sure they want to copy Nintendo. Nintendo was trying to appeal to more casual people while microsoft and sony were still appealing to the hard core gamers.
I think this is a bad idea, they will be seen as copying Nintendo and everyone will wonder why they can't make something themselves.