Fixing Gamecube Discs


The cake is a lie
So my brother recently bought Wind Waker from GameStop. After more than a week, which is their return policy, he tried out the game and my Wii couldn't read the disk. He's read up on things that say to use toothpaste, and he's also read things that specifically said not to use toothpaste. Has anyone tried fixing a scratched disk before, and was successful?
I know Play n Trade cleans disks, Im not sure if they do Gamecube disks though.
Not everybody has a local Play 'N Trade, but I think your local Gamestop or something cleans disks. It seems like the game store-y thing to do.
Hopefully they will, because that's where he bought it.
Blockbusters cleans disks too (in the UK) and it worked well when SMG kept freezing on the cutscene just before you unlock Luigi.