Flash mob protest Motorola at a BestBuy store singing a Lady Gaga parady song


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Motorola partner WMG removed this video after it received more than 35,000 hits in its first week (launch date: December 13th, 2010). Let's keep up the pressure and show Motorola that our calls to boycott occupation and apartheid won't be silenced. Please pass this on!

Background: In early December, more than forty members and friends of the St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee (STL-PSC) gathered at Best Buy and AT&T for a flash mob urging holiday shoppers to Boycott Israeli Apartheid and Hang Up on Motorola!

One of the participants was arrested as he was attempting to leave the parking lot. Call the police in North St Louis and you're lucky if someone shows up, but disrupt 3 minutes of Christmas shopping and you are busted!

For more information on STL-PSC, visit http://www.stl-psc.org


I wonder what Lady Gaga thinks of people using her phones for political boycotts on Motorola phones. This sounds like another good reason to not use Motorola even though most of their cell phones don't interest me much. Nice singing!
never mess with a mob I say.