Flippypad Concept Shows How Google Project Ara Smartphone becomes A Handheld Gaming Console with con


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Google’s Project Ara is unique in the sense that it allows users to swap out certain components for another component, so for example if you wanted to upgrade your phone’s camera, you’d just have to swap out the part for something else, as opposed to having to buy an entirely new phone. That being said we’ve seen how Project Ara can also be linked to wearables, but what about gaming?
In a concept cooked up by designer Samuel Herb, it shows how thanks to the modularity of Project Ara that it is possible to create a device for gaming as well. Dubbed Flippypad, it shows how third-party OEMs could create gaming shells or specific gaming modules that could be attached to the device, thus turning it from a smartphone into a handheld gaming console.
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The Flippypad controller for Google Project Ara smartphone looks pretty good.