Florida Police Officers Killed 1, Injured 3 for Allegedly Shoplifting Pokémon Cards


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Read from CBR:

Florida police shot and killed a suspected shoplifter on Wednesday after it was reported he and three others had stolen Pokémon Trading Cards and a pizza.

Over a dozen units responded to a report of suspicious people at a Target in Kissimmee after employees noted that their car appeared to have missing or covered license plates. According to the affidavit written by Deputy Cole Miller, Officers reportedly witnessed two men get out of the vehicle wearing "masks and hoodies," which they deemed suspicious, and enter the store. Miller spoke with the store's Loss Prevention Supervisor on the phone, who informed him that the men had left the store without paying for a pizza and several packs of Pokémon cards.

“While on the phone with me, [a Target employee] confirmed the two suspects exited the store without paying for a pizza and multiple packs of Pokemon cards. Target desires prosecution for the theft,” the report says. “I later reviewed the video surveillance which confirmed the two suspects selected an empty Target shopping bag, multiple packs of Pokemon cards and a pizza; all which were concealed and not paid for by the suspects.”
Like how the police chief is backing up their actions, like really? The most needed for this situation was a taser.
Indeed. They went completely overboard with the situation.
Now, I can see using a taser on them but shooting a person over some Pokemon cards......really? Do they not see that's overreacting? I mean, yes, stealing is wrong and I'd rather avoid going to jail. Especially trying to steal some Pokemon cards. The pizza is one thing if you are homeless and in desperate need of something to eat. But Pokemon cards? Really?
Now, I can see using a taser on them but shooting a person over some Pokemon cards......really? Do they not see that's overreacting? I mean, yes, stealing is wrong and I'd rather avoid going to jail. Especially trying to steal some Pokemon cards. The pizza is one thing if you are homeless and in desperate need of something to eat. But Pokemon cards? Really?

I can't blame the police to taking a stance that ends with them not being shot up, but at the same time you can't pull a gun out on everyone.
The only reason a gun SHOULD have been fired was if the suspects were already firing their own guns!
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Overreacting Police might be that hot button issue. But we all have to bend to the law for the protection of ourselves and the economy. Like it's all done to help the future. Now I want that enthusiasm whenever I see people putting items in the wrong spot in a grocery store or tell the customers I see every day to take a shower because it's an ongoing problem that hasn't been fixed to this date. And from what I learned from SMT if there isn't order then there is anarchy.
As a Pokemon Card collector, they got what they deserved.

I joke of course.
It is unfortunate that the police decided to shot the thieves, but the thieves did not harm anyone. The police department could of used undercover officers or detectives to follow the thieves, and arrest them when they are not near many people.