The government is giving some advice to use a cloth mask, use soap and water to wash hands for protection from the Coronavirus, and punish people who sell over price face mask and cleaning supplies.
I feel some greedy people are tricking people into buying expensive medical face masks, strong cleaning supplies like alcohol hand sanitizers, and other products which is making things worst because the people who buy the overpriced masks for a lot of money could better save the money to prepare for the future since the Coronavirus lockdown may last many more months to years.
An affordable reusable face mask made of cloth can be good enough to protect people from getting the Coronavirus according to ,
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) . Most people can make the face a cloth mask themselves with cloth, string for the ear loops and scissors for cutting the cloth.
Using soap and water to wash your hand is usually good enough to prevent the Coronavirus according to
Soap And Water 101: Why It’s Best For COVID-19 Coronavirus (And Everyday Practice)
Alcohol Hand Sanitizer is sometimes not safe, and it can poison people according to
Hand Sanitizers Poisoning More Kids