Forum Game : How Famous Is The Person Above You.


Sage Of Shadows
Basically you say how famous the person above you is then keep on going. Id start the topic off with well nothing because no one is above me... -_-

You're the one and only and you're certainly a member many of us will remember for a long time.

Extremely famous in Earthbound. You're gets said hundreds of times by many NPCs. I'm quite jealous.

Seen you around a lot in my time here, and one of the members who have posted the most.. So quite "famous", even though I doubt anyone here is actually famous..
You're moderately famous I'd say, as you're a mod and post fairly often. Your obscurity comes from the long periods of absence where people coming in don't know you for a while.
I do believe I've seen your name around before, so I would say moderately famous.
^ I have no idea who you are ^

Just kidding your a somewhat famous. Although I keep confusing you with another member... whom I can't remember the name of right now...