forum slowness


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Anybody visiting any jcink forum host will find it to be very slow at times and irritating. so I looked around the jcink site and got this answer that was posted to another person.

QUOTE It's probably not your/their fault. If you remember the recent topic about ad size increases, well this is the problem I need to get solved. The "network" that I'm sick of. The bandwidth we have stinks right now, in particular anywhere from 9AM to 5PM are rough times. I really hate my provider since they just fail to solve this problem. For 3 years we've used them and in the past 3 months or so I've watched their service go up and down, they lie to me about it being "fine" on their end... whatever. I got sick of it so I'm ditching them.

These issues will probably be all solved since last week I put in an order for a new, much faster business fiber connection. The install is on the 28th and I should have more news on that over the weekend. Only thing I can say is that I apologize, but there's pretty much nothing I can do for you expect tell you to wait it out.


hopefully it will be fixed soon.
I haven't noticed any MAJOR problems except the occasional "The Server Took Too Long To Respond."