Fox News: End Is Near for Game Consoles


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You like console gaming? If you do, don’t tell Fox News as they have an article detailing the “death” of console gaming.

The news post starts dramatically with “The end is near -- for game consoles, anyway.”

The report states that they think the Xbox 360 and the PS3 might be the last of their kind. They add in that evolving customer tastes, smartphones and plunging prices are what’s threatening the traditional console’s life cycle.

Gamer Mark Ormond tells Fox “I actually think consoles are a thing of the past,” Ormond added that “Why pay $50-60 for sequels of the same games on $300 machines when I can play newer experiences elsewhere in a lot less time -- and for a lot less money -- on devices I already use more?”

Production Assistant Keith Fuller also says, “consumers are already warming to the idea of not owning their games,” he added “Every time someone uses Gmail, Netflix Instant, or Amazon’s Cloud Player, they’re already buying into the concept of using a service without physically owning or installing something.”

Obviously, different gamers have different tastes, but is Ormond’s way of thinking how other gamers are thinking now? More importantly, do you think Fox News has a point?


only thing that is about to end is fox news for spouting such s***!
Doubt it--as far as I know, the video game economy's doing just fine, and people are certainly still playing; look at all of the hype around the PSN outage and the new 3DS and NGP and I think it's clear that video games will be well-received for several years to come. The smartphone app/gaming market is going strong, but that doesn't mean console gaming is headed out.
I'm not surprised that FOX made this article.
If nothing else, the PC gaming industry is endangered. Piracy, high-prices and no real innovations from big publishers really hurt the PC game sales and investments.
Fox is full of Conservative dumbasses. Ignore them.

Really, did you happen to read the part where it says
"Blake Snow is a freelance journalist who used to play a lot more games before starting a family"

this indicates that he is NOT ASSOCIATED WITH FOXNEWS

please read before posting


this is ONE guys opinion, doesnt mean anyone involved there is a "dumbass"

infact i give props to foxnews for putting out a lot of news that other networks are too scared to put out,

There is no need for them to make this post then. Obviously consoles are no where near end, and if he thinks phone are going to beat them out, then he's wrong. And besides, if he's not affiliated with Fox, then what is the point of posting it as Fox? They also had a problem like this with Bulletstorm. They are basically trolls.

Really, did you happen to read the part where it says
"Blake Snow is a freelance journalist who used to play a lot more games before starting a family"

this indicates that he is NOT ASSOCIATED WITH FOXNEWS

please read before posting


this is ONE guys opinion, doesnt mean anyone involved there is a "dumbass"

infact i give props to foxnews for putting out a lot of news that other networks are too scared to put out,

Even if that journalist is not associated with FOX News, FOX read that article, approved it, and released it, so they too are guilty if the article is wrong/deceptive.

And let's not turn this into a political discussion please!
And let's not turn this into a political discussion please!

i havent turned it into political talk, just replying to what others have said and the "blanket" statements that people use to describe things,


in reality its ONE issue at a time, and to group other parties that might or might not have been involved just isnt smart,

do we really learn anything by assuming we know everything?
When "most" smart phones can be plugged into a TV, and display video games in HD, and you have an option to use a wireless controller like the wiimote, Xbox 360 controller, PC controller instead of the cell phone buttons and screen then Cell phones would be a better competitor to consoles.
I must admit that games consoles are not going to be around for a great deal of time longer. We probably only have a couple more cycles to come before the home consoles end and we find some new more advanced method of presenting video games to the public. It is exciting to consider the possibilities and ignorant to not accept this inevitability. Consoles in the future will soon become what arcade machines are to use. Good for a bit of Nostalgia but pale in comparison to the new-fangled modern tech we will have in the future. We are seeing evidence of this in things like Apps, Phone games, online freeware, streaming services etc.

Please note when I say a couple more cycles that is still at least a decade of console gaming. Each cycle is estimated to last 9 years, the last cycle did and Sony have indicated they want PS3 to last at least 8-9 years before they even consider PS4 so we still have plenty of time before change starts to really hit us.

A lot of my information comes from the Extra Credits video on the subject of consoles becoming obsolete. I highly suggest you check it out and the whole video series in general. These guys are industry professionals and know their stuff. They help provide very educated views on the industry at present and its future and for a future games programmer like myself, I almost cannot contain my praise for what they do. You will soon find I will reference them a lot in my posts as they discuss a great number of issues that we do here on GamingForce

Link: Extra Credits
The numbers just aren't there to backup what this guy is clamming, phones wont take over gaming in the way he's talking about.
Look at the DS- it came out a little before smart phones hit the market and it has still sold 100m +.
The big three have shipped close to 190 million consoles this gen according to wiki.
Oh and On-live is still dead in the water from what I've seen and PC gaming has been "dead" for years and yet look at steam.
It will be a slow change probably taking a couple of decades but it will happen and one day we will look back on consoles the same way we now look back at arcade machines. I personally am looking forward to seeing what the future holds :)
Maybe in the future most newer TVs would have a console or a device which can play video games built-in to the TV when the price for faster CPU, RAM, and videocard comes down, so companies can inexpensively create a all-in-one device which can play games, watch TV, watch DVDs and Blu-rays, and go on the internet which only cost a few hundred or 1 thousand dollars. Video game companies will no longer have to make 3 different versions of the same game since it can be played on newer TVs.

For people with older TVs, they need to buy a console sort of like those Digital TV converter boxes for people who still use a non-HDTV digital TV to watch TV.

I wouldn't be surprise in the future that there will be an all-in-one TV which can be used for all our entertainment needs like TV, movies, internet, music, gaming, etc which does not need any additional hardware, or upgrades to be plug into it over time like computers, so all you need to do is plug it in to the wall for power, and you are good to go for your entertainment needs.
I'm not surprised that FOX made this article.
If nothing else, the PC gaming industry is endangered. Piracy, high-prices and no real innovations from big publishers really hurt the PC game sales and investments.

PC games are moving towards the freemium model, where you get the basic game for free and buy upgrades if you want. I have purchased items on freemium titles like Battlefield Heroes. I think this is the right move. It will also help small developers who can't get the profit hungry publishers to give them a chance.

Consoles might disappear but I don't think everyone wants cloud gaming. I mean if the service goes down then you can't play anything. I think people will want their own copy of the game, even if its only a digital copy.

FOX news trying to relate to the younger crowd, that's funny.
Fox is really stupid, but pc is getting better and better. I guess it might decrease. But i dont think so as a pc is at least 500$ for gaming and a xbox is 150$. So if your a bit younger, i guess you would buy an xbox. So this isnt true.
The end of the console and the version of the home computer we have now will happen in about 10~20 years. Everything will be cloud based, but ISP's are going to have to lay a whole lot more fiber before it becomes a reality. Heck there still are some places out in the boon docks who can not get high speed internet.

P.S. I highly doubt that gamers are going to ditch their consoles for smart phone games!
I don't think end is near for game consoles anytime soon. I agree with soulwatcher. Where we live, we had to put up a 40 foot tower so that we could get good high speed internet. I say good, but it's really not. It's just the only thing we could get that didn't have bandwidth limits. Satellite was fast, but we were too limited. We have a long way to go before cloud gaming becomes a reality.
The newest game console I have is game boy advance XD
I find pc gaming more convenient for some reason.