Foxconn is attempting to replace its human workers with thousands of robots


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Foxconn wants to replace those pesky workers with ten thousand robots. These robots alone could manufacture hundreds of millions of iPhones every year — potentially eliminating the need for most of the workforce. This rollout of “Foxbots” might solve Foxconn’s current PR problem, but will it create a bigger uproar when thousands of workers lose their jobs to robots?

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Hopefully, some of these workers saved enough money from their pay checks, so they have enough money in their savings account for buying food, and paying rent until they find another job.
isn't this the company where the workers were killing themselves due to bad work conditions and low wages?
Yes, it was the company where workers were jumping off the roof because of bad working conditions. I think Foxconn installed a net to catch people before they hit the ground.

I got a feeling that these robots may end up being mistreated by not maintaining them as often because Foxconn does not want to spend money on replacement parts for the robots.
Maybe Foxconn may end-up making their own parts with robots, and use robots to replace the parts of broken robots, and also repair broken parts.