FPS Game Ideas


Well, my HD crashed. I lost all Paper Mario 8-Bit Ztars data, so now I'm making an FPS. I'm creating a modeling software, and terrain editor. I would love ideas for what to make. Be creative. I will charge a fee for the game, but lucky winners, who have the best ideas, will receive it for free at release, and will get updated on content. I'm accepting any form of idea, from an image, text, e.t.c. Winners will also be credited. Thank you.
D@mn... You lost all the data on Paper Mario 8-Bit Ztars? Oh well...

Have you ever played Donkey Kong 64? Well since all the characters can throw grenades and use weapons, why not base your FPS on those characters?
I was thinking that most characters would be human. However, maybe some sort of sick scientist replaced the brains of a human with the brains of animals?
I was thinking that most characters would be human. However, maybe some sort of sick scientist replaced the brains of a human with the brains of animals?

OH! Well in that case... Are you looking for any particular kind of human? You could have a FPS where players play as Toads.... Heheh, that'd be quite funny actually.
Since they've already made a Mega Man FPS, how about a Mario one?

EDIT: Damn, didn't see those previous posts. Oh well, strike that, then. :/
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Mario in first person... Sounds ridiculous. I'm also selling this, so I would get sued.
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That's true.

Ok, since I can't help much with characters...

How about a large map, except that its a maze made out of large concrete blocks full of dead ends so you don't know where your opponents are, and you could be shot at any second?

And as with all shooting games, you'll need a factory level of sorts.
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