France was considering a law banning 'sexist' video games?


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Hope it does go through
As much as I hate sexism, I hate censorship more. I don't agree with sexism, either way. Whether it's being sexist towards males, females, or any other gender variation. You are who you are and you shouldn't be targeted for that. I especially don't like sexism directed towards females. Honestly, I hate men. It's not a sexist thing, it's just built into my head that all men are evil. I know they're not and I have a lot of male friends. The stereotypical male types, those are the ones I don't like. Sorry, going on a bit of a rant that's off topic here.

I don't like censorship because I don't like not knowing things. If I'm reading a book and half the words were censored, I'd throw it in the trash and never give it a second thought. Censoring entire games, that's a bit ridiculous. Why stop the game developers from making the games? If the sexism is strong enough to need censoring, you can just put a ban on it. The game can still be developed. Honestly, I'd hope that game developers wouldn't be so overly sexist in the first place.

Basically, don't censor things and don't be sexist. Both are bad.
My first thought was "Thanks goodness the title is in past tense, hopefully this means they no longer are". I think it is sexist of them to assume that Kara (as an sexual partner) can only be enjoyed by male audiences (not even taking in account that there are male androids shown in that universe with probably the same speech and purpose) or that the Imagine games can't be enjoyed by boys and even adults, so I'd say that is sexist too.

I feel like Ms. Lemaire had it right. I like she brought how the focus should be celebrating the companies that are doing things right band and helping the women to be accepted and encouraged to make their careers in video gaming industry so their points of view can get reflected in their products. As more women become part of the creation process more variety will come. Just like there are always porn films, I am sure there will be video game equivalent, but that should be a choice left to the adult, instead of being banned from the get go.

Sadly the article leave sopen the possibility something like this strikes again in the future.