FREE Kid Icarus AR Cards


N3DS Community Ghost Gym Leader
Be sure to log into Club Nintendo and order yours today! Supplies are limited.

*Deletes topic so no one sees and SMF hogs the cards to himself*

I already got them before this topic was made xD
But I hope you don't have to have the game to use them
Even MORE USA giveaways (which is good since there are no announcements about them being sold yet). Keep in mind, you will only get 6 random cards of the 100 with your game.

So, the first card is included with the April edition of Game Informer (GameStop's magazine). Since I am a digital subscriber, I didn't get one, but am currently trying to track down my rightful card...

Next up, there are three cards in the April edition of Nintendo Power. This will not be out until April 3rd.

Then, if you are lucky enough to live near the Nintendo World Store in New York, and you are one of the first 250 customers to pick up your copy of Kid Icarus on launch day, then you are given this promo card:

And finally, there will be booster packs of AR cards given out at conventions across the nation, including WonderCon, PAX East, ComicCon, and PAX Prime.

All this info and more can be found here.
Hello everybody, allow me to introduce the Kid Icarus Uprising AR Card Project. Since Nintendo is making it impossible to collect these cards, we have to pull together to assemble a full set we can all share.

Drop your AR cards on a scanner, all together is okay. Scan at 300 dpi. Please don’t crop too closely, I want to be able to see the edges of the cards. Then, send the file to me! An e-mail attachment to kiuarproject@gmail works best, but anything else is fine too!

See the cards at and
Check to see the checklist of cards scans I have already received.

Thanks everybody for your participation!
Hello everybody, allow me to introduce the Kid Icarus Uprising AR Card Project. Since Nintendo is making it impossible to collect these cards, we have to pull together to assemble a full set we can all share.

Drop your AR cards on a scanner, all together is okay. Scan at 300 dpi. Please don’t crop too closely, I want to be able to see the edges of the cards. Then, send the file to me! An e-mail attachment to kiuarproject@gmail works best, but anything else is fine too!

See the cards at and http://www.twitpic.c...os/kiuarproject
Check to see the checklist of cards scans I have already received.

Thanks everybody for your participation!
Check here there are some cards posted.
I ordered mine already because i'm probably going to buy the game in a few weeks after release.

Club Nintendo is like...the greatest thing ever.
I hope there's more cards left..... I doubt it though because a lot of people have already bought it.
I ended up selling my Kid Icarus Club Nintendo cards AND the Nintendo Power Kid Icarus cards on eBay for $30!!! WOO HOO!!!
Can't you just get pictures of them for the internet, print them and use them?
Yes; actually, you don't even need to print them. Just find a good picture of them on the internet. I did that to get most of the idols in my collection.
And a really good place to just scan them is here:
There are over 100 cards you can scan here to get more idols and free hearts.
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What I did:
-goes on Clubnintendo-
"Hey,whats this? Kid Icarus AR Cards.....Free?"
Fine print: Kid Icarus AR Cards cannot work with the AR cards Application.