Free or paid anti virus software?


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If you're ever being connected to the internet with any of your computer gadgets, making use of anti virus software is a must in order to avoid getting your information compromised by virus. Now, some people like to make use of free anti virus software while some prefer the paid one's. Personally, I'm all in for the paid version of anti virus software and it's why I'm making use of AVAST.
I think I can trust paid over free any day of the week and I find it has some features I take for granted once or twice I think free stuff doesn't offer. Webroot I think it is right now but other ones that work similarly for paid would be fine by me.
I us the paid version of Malwarebytes. But, I also use Windows Defender free on computers on some computers I own.
We have McAfee. It came with our new computer. I didn’t care for McAfee many years ago but right now, they are doing a good job. Before, we had the AVG, free version. Ironically, they were quite good at keeping out viruses. Tried Norton but wasn’t impressed. I haven't tried Avast.
I've never bothered with paid anti-virus software. I just always go for a free option and I've been mainly using Avast for the past few years
If you're ever being connected to the internet with any of your computer gadgets, making use of anti virus software is a must in order to avoid getting your information compromised by virus. Now, some people like to make use of free anti virus software while some prefer the paid one's. Personally, I'm all in for the paid version of anti virus software and it's why I'm making use of AVAST.
I like making use of free softwares. I understand that paying for an anti virus software is not bad, but I can't spare money for it.