FreedomPop Free home broadband with 1GB of free WiMAX data


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The Hub Burst modem will cost $89, and come with 1GB of free monthly data.

It will also sell a $9.99 monthly subscription that bumps the cap up to 10GB for people who need more data.


The modem is a pretty good deal, and 1GB of free monthly data is good for someone who mostly uses their school's and library's internet, and just need to use the internet for e-mail, Facebook, and forums when they are at home.

The $9.99 monthly plan is a good upgrade for people who are on Dial-up, and slower internet, and watch videos online in low quality mode, and for basic tasks like e-mail, web browsing, and more.
It's pretty good for the basic user.
Hopefully, some day the 1GB free cap can be raised to something more reasonable like 60GB, so this free internet would be good for the average user as well who watches a few hours of YouTube, and Netflix a day.