Friend gave me his "old" gaming pc.


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So recently I spent roughly $700 upgrading my PC. Bought a new motherboard, an i5 4690k processor and a Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming graphics card. Friend of mine comes over and spends the entire weekend at my apartment, gives me his old PC and says it's because he doesn't use it anymore after spending $2000 on a brand new gaming laptop. The PC he gave me is stronger than the upgrades I put in my own PC. Here's the specs:

Asus GTX 980
Intel core i7 3770k
16gb DDR3 RAM
128gb SSD w/ 1tb 7200rpm Hard drive.

On top of getting the rig itself, he also gave me a very nice 27" IPS gaming monitor, a razor mechanical keyboard, razor mouse and gaming headset, plus a red xbox 360 afterglow controller.

Needless to say it was like Christmas for me. My friends freakin rock.

(It should be noted that he wouldn't have done this over normal circumstances, he gave this to me because he just got a huge raise at work. He now makes about 600% more than I make, which I'm jealous of but he deserves it, he's a hard worker.)

Thought I'd share my weekend story.
Sounds great man, your lucky.

I wish I could get my hands on a good gaming pc, but money issues and the fact that I just bought a xbox one not to long ago keep me from achieving this lol.
Sounds great man, your lucky.

I wish I could get my hands on a good gaming pc, but money issues and the fact that I just bought a xbox one not to long ago keep me from achieving this lol.
I am lucky, no doubt about it. But it's great to have friends like that, I now have more gaming PC's than I know what to do with. I built a midrange one for my girlfriend to try and get her in to it. I asked my friend if he'd sell me his awesome 27" monitor since he doesn't use it and I got an entire freakin system instead. Not a bad tradeoff.
I'll just move this to the right board.

Sounds like a solid PC, I hope you get a lot of gaming out of it.
You know, I originally wrote this post up on the PC board. But the description said discussion for PC games and I felt this was more of a "general" topic.
Excuse me, but a PC that support 16 GB of ram cannot be considered old by any means in today's time. Congratulations on your gift, but that thing must have been 1 year old at most.
There's a reason I put old in quotations in the title. The motherboard and processor are two years old, the GPU is only a year old. This PC has a LOT more life left in it. I'll take some pictures later and post it if I remember to.
There's a reason I put old in quotations in the title. The motherboard and processor are two years old, the GPU is only a year old. This PC has a LOT more life left in it. I'll take some pictures later and post it if I remember to.

just upgrade when needed and your PC should last a good few years.