With spring then summer approaching, many people look forward to a nice fruit salad. What do you like putting in yours? Berries, bananas, grapes along with orange slices & shredded coconut tend to go well together.
It's usually melon, watermelon, grape, strawberries, and blueberries. However, it's a lot of sugar and I'll eat it if it's in front of me. If I had other choices I would try to skip it.
I love fruit salad and as much as I eat fruit salad all months of the year, I will admit that during the spring and summer months and on those days that are hot and humid, they seem a lot more refreshing than any other time of the year.
When I make a fruit salad I add apples, bananas, orange pieces, and grapes, I mix it with natural yoghurt with a little honey for flavour.