Fuze iPhone 7 Case : Bringing Back the 3.5mm Audio Jack


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Fuze is the first iPhone 7 case with an integrated Lightning to 3.5mm audio jack adapter!


This case looks useful for people who still plan on using the 3.5mm audio jack on their iPhone 7.

I wonder if Apple will release an official iPhone 7 case with a 3.5mm audio jack, and sell it for a high price like $60.
It might save money for the users, but for the makers of this they still have to pay Apple for putting the jack on.
It might save money for the users, but for the makers of this they still have to pay Apple for putting the jack on.

I agree the makers of this will probably have to pay apple to use Apple's exclusive charging and data transfer lightning port, and to use the tech to make it possible to make 3.5mm headphones compatible with the iPhone 7 by using an adapter or case.
If it takes off though I'm sure Apple will somehow make their own.

Apple made a battery case for the iPhone 6, so I think Apple may add a headphone jack to battery cases which are made for the iPhone 7, and charge people an extra money for a battery case with a headphone jack instead of just a battery case.