[GALAXY Note] Introducing Premium Suite with Google Android Ice Cream Sandwich


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This phone comes with some pretty cool Apps, and the Stylus pen seems pretty cool as well for people who prefer a pen over fingers for typing, using apps, and playing games.

The phone also seems pretty fast as well in this video.


Software upgrade for GALAXY Note offers exclusive S Pen optimized applications, enhanced multimedia features and Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

S Note, an unique tool that combines your notes and sketches with other digital content, giving you a new way to create your own stories. Also includes innovative shape- and formula-match functions, instant digitization of tables and grids, and knowledge search engines.

Along with a new look and feel, the Ice Cream Sandwich update provides a more intuitive user interface, faster performance, Face Unlock, Snapshot, Photo Editor and other features.

Plus, GALAXY users can also access an exclusive GALAXY Note level in Angry Birds Space (http://samsung.angrybirds.com/galaxynote), the newest Angry Birds game from Rovio Entertainment, along with a special package of 30 challenging levels in "Danger Zone".
I feel like I have a Note already, my phone is pretty big and I don't think I'd want the note as a phone. My husband is a big dude and being that his hands are pretty big, he'd be able to use that just fine.. as for me, I am happy with my GS2, however, if Apple released an iPad that was the same size of the Note, then I would get that as there are a few apps that I paid for when I had my iPhone, that aren't yet, or won't be available for Android. That bottom button is atrocious, and I am so glad that I don't have one on my phone, I hope T-mobile got the Note without that ugly button in the bottom like they did with the GS2..
The button at the bottom might be useful for someone with a big thumb or pointer finger. I think if they hot rid of the chrome or white light around the button, and replace it with a blue light it might look better.

I don't really mind the button. It looks okay.