Game bar improvements in Windows 10 Insider build 17692


Well-Known Member
While it going to be some time before the next majour version of windows 10, this just came in:


Too recently the Game bar was redesigned, but here we are again. The settings you find in the new Game bar allow gamers on-demand access to things they previously would have needed to exit full-screen mode to enjoy. In addition to video capturing controls, you can now view performance visualizations for FPS, CPU, GPU, and RAM usage right from inside your game. On the right, there’s even an audio mixer that lets you control the volume of apps independently from one another. This feature isn’t even available in the standard taskbar volume flyout.

If you use Windows Mixed Reality, a welcome new feature is an option in the Windows Settings to allow audio mirroring across both your headset and desktop speakers.

Do you think that this will make you upgrade on the first day when the final build comes out?

Source: Hands-on: Game bar improvements and more in Windows 10 Insider build 17692 (video) | On MSFT
Meh, right now my PC is still trying to update with an update that won't go through.