Game Journalist can't tell difference between Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 4...


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Wow. I mean, I can understand not knowing off the top of your head, because I wouldn't- but I'd do a little research before posting an article about it! Plus, don't the booths at those conventions like, say what game they have there? I mean, they don't just put them in blind boxes, shouldn't a journalist be speaking with the game representatives present and taking notes and stuff? Like, do you even journalist??
From the original article:

Even playing in Japanese (the voice acting isn’t as good as Nolan North’s) it all felt very familiar. There’s a moment in the demo where you reach the end of a street blocked by a burning vehicle, and Drake mumbles something about not getting through that way. No guidance is offered on where you’re supposed to go next, but the Uncharted veteran in me immediately shimmied a sign post and leapt through a hole in a nearby wall.

Some "veteran". Didn't even realize he was playing a game he's already beaten.