Game Labeling Bill


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Congressmen Joe Baca (D-Calif.) and Frank Wolf (R-Va.) on Monday introduced a bill that would require most video games to bear a warning label that says, "WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior."
I guess the rest of our nations problems have been solved.

The Bill would require every game, except ones rated EC (Early Childhood), to carry the warning text. That means any game that is rated "E" for everyone, "E10+" for everyone 10 and older, "T" for teen, "M" for mature or "A" for adult. Even if the game isn't violent.

"Just as we warn smokers of the health consequences of tobacco, we should warn parents — and children — about the growing scientific evidence demonstrating a relationship between violent video games and violent behavior," Wolf said. "As a parent and grandparent, I think it is important people know everything they can about the extremely violent nature of some of these games."

I'm not going to waste my time pointing out how a link between violent games and real violence has never been established in any meaningful way, nor will I belabor the point that the people proposing this law are paid for with taxpayer money, nor will I point out that mandatory labeling of art work is almost certainly unconstitutional. Instead, I'll look on the bright side, and say, hey, at least it's a bipartisan bill, which proves that the Democrats and Republicans can work together as long as they're doing something dumb.


I personally think its a good thing for people to know which games are violent and which aren't... while I can see where you're coming from, when you say its stupid, but yeah, I still think its a good thing
I personally think its a good thing for people to know which games are violent and which aren't... while I can see where you're coming from, when you say its stupid, but yeah, I still think its a good thing

Having a warning saying there's violence in it may be a good thing, but that's not exactly what the warning said:

"WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior."

a link between violent games and real violence has never been established in any meaningful way
I personally think its a good thing for people to know which games are violent and which aren't... while I can see where you're coming from, when you say its stupid, but yeah, I still think its a good thing

But the current ratings already tell you all that.
I don't think they should. I find it ridiculous people protest GTA, but they don't give a damn about what is happening Afghan. Fuck you, you hypocritical bastards. And before people here think I was talking about them, I meant the law makes.
I don't think they should. I find it ridiculous people protest GTA, but they don't give a damn about what is happening Afghan. Fuck you, you hypocritical bastards. And before people here think I was talking about them, I meant the law makes.

all too true, I say deal with reality before dealing with a time killer.
That being said, they are too busy delving into their money to realize that the once purposed war has become soldiers killing civilians.
First of all violence in games, movies and everything else does not cause anyone to be violent. This is pointless.
I'm not saying it doesn't cause people to be violent, because the weak minded could get affected, I'm just saying that the label is stupid, and they have better things to worry about.
I'm not saying it doesn't cause people to be violent, because the weak minded could get affected, I'm just saying that the label is stupid, and they have better things to worry about.

they always have better things to worry about, yet they still do stupid stuff like this.