- Credits
- 55,412
Here's the full software sales chart for 11/30 to 12/6. Lifetime sales, wherever applicable, are in parenthesis.
* 1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo, Wii): 935,000
* 2. Phantasy Star Poratble 2 (Sega, PSP): 287,000
* 3. Gundam VS Gundam Next Plus (Namco Bandai, PSP): 223,000
* 4. Samurai Warriors 3 (Koei, Wii): 121,000
* 5. Professor Layton and the Devil's Flute (Level-5, DS): 85,000 (392,000)
* 6. Friend Collection (Nintendo, DS): 75,000 (1,822,000)
* 7. PokePark Wii (Pokemon, Wii): 64,000
* 8. Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (Pokemon, DS): 63,000 (3,153,000)
* 9. WiiFit Plus (Nintendo, Wii): 52,000 (1,044,000)
* 10. Assassin's Creed II (Ubisoft, PS3): 49,000
The success of New Super Mario Bros. Wii gave the Wii system a major push. The system sold over two times the previous week and easily beat out its console competition.
PSP also got a boost, presumably from Phantasy Star and Gundam VS Gundam.
PSP go did not share that boost, and continues to perform below Xbox 360 level just a few weeks after its release. Phantasy Star Portable was available as a download title, but Gundam VS Gundam was not.
Here's the full hardware chart:
* Wii: 106,555
* PSP: 67,880
* PS3: 57,782
* DSi LL: 53,791
* DSi: 51,635
* DS Lite: 8,367
* Xbox 360: 5,314
* PSP go: 3,412
* PS2: 2,277
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* 1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo, Wii): 935,000
* 2. Phantasy Star Poratble 2 (Sega, PSP): 287,000
* 3. Gundam VS Gundam Next Plus (Namco Bandai, PSP): 223,000
* 4. Samurai Warriors 3 (Koei, Wii): 121,000
* 5. Professor Layton and the Devil's Flute (Level-5, DS): 85,000 (392,000)
* 6. Friend Collection (Nintendo, DS): 75,000 (1,822,000)
* 7. PokePark Wii (Pokemon, Wii): 64,000
* 8. Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (Pokemon, DS): 63,000 (3,153,000)
* 9. WiiFit Plus (Nintendo, Wii): 52,000 (1,044,000)
* 10. Assassin's Creed II (Ubisoft, PS3): 49,000
The success of New Super Mario Bros. Wii gave the Wii system a major push. The system sold over two times the previous week and easily beat out its console competition.
PSP also got a boost, presumably from Phantasy Star and Gundam VS Gundam.
PSP go did not share that boost, and continues to perform below Xbox 360 level just a few weeks after its release. Phantasy Star Portable was available as a download title, but Gundam VS Gundam was not.
Here's the full hardware chart:
* Wii: 106,555
* PSP: 67,880
* PS3: 57,782
* DSi LL: 53,791
* DSi: 51,635
* DS Lite: 8,367
* Xbox 360: 5,314
* PSP go: 3,412
* PS2: 2,277
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