Game Trailers are Lies


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I like that game trailers are going from 'movie-trailers' to in-engine. It doesn't give you false hopes. When seeing an awesome trailer that isn't in-engine (which you don't know) you have very high expectations of the game because you want the actual game to be the same as the trailer. This of course is a smart move from the company that makes the game, because if you have an awesome looking trailer, more people will notice your game and maybe buy your game. Because of in-engine trailers the gamer has more realistic expectations so the gamer knows what to expect from the actual game.
troslim said:
Because of in-engine trailers the gamer has more realistic expectations so the gamer knows what to expect from the actual game.
I want this to be the case for all games but hey that's only my opinion. This is why I liked watching the trailers of Titanfall because they were a depiction of the actual gameplay. Maybe we could have a theatric trailer and one capturing the actual gameplay which would be a win-win.
~TheDarkKnight~ said:
I want this to be the case for all games but hey that's only my opinion. This is why I liked watching the trailers of Titanfall because they were a depiction of the actual gameplay. Maybe we could have a theatric trailer and one capturing the actual gameplay which would be a win-win.
I would also like it to be that all trailer will be in-engine. I don't really understand why you would want to see a trailer for a game which isn't really the game, from a gamers perspective. It will only give you high hopes and it will only disappoint when you get to play the real game. I can understand it from a company's perspective, because an awesome looking trailer will create hype around a game. This is what they want because it will be very good for the sales of the company. I think Watch Dogs is a great example of this. I don't know if their trailer was in-game or not, but it lookes awesome. There was a lot of hype around the game and a lot of people wanted to get the game. Ultimately, I think, non in-game trailers are only good for the sales of companies.
It's your own job to educate yourself before you make a buying decision. If you often make decisions after just watching pre rendered trailers you deserve to be disappointed once in awhile..
I never really trusted trailers, I like watching them to get an idea about what the game is about. Most of the time I watch actual game play on youtube.
I've never thought of the trailers as actual gameplay, and I never will. Even if they claim that it's "in-engine", I wouldn't trust that until the game is released and actual gameplay is out on youtube/the internet and we can compare. Just look at the Dark Souls trailer mentioned in the video, it was quite altered to make it look better...

You could argue that the lighting in that trailer was just a small detail, but honestly it gives such a greater feeling to the entire thing with a dramatic lightning like in the trailer, making that "in-engine" trailer quite misleading aswell.

Either way, I think people like cinematics somehow, and even if they're not "in-engine", I dont' think too many people are dissapointed to see that it isn't the same as the cinematic. The cinematic is cool, and it deserves some attention for that, but it should be seen as a separate thing from the game.

We have to remember, that trailers of all kinds (for games/movies/whatever) are made for one reason only: to make you interested in the game, and to make you buy it. And for that simple reason, should we always be sceptical about trailers. Either way, I do like that they are using in-engine trailers, even if they might be slightly altered.
I agree with you. The trailers are made by companies to get people interested in their game and boost their sales. You only know for sure how the game plays, looks or feels from actually playing the game. So when seeing a trailer, you always have to stay on guard against companies deceiving you.
I only watch trailers to get a feel of what the game is about. I never decide to buy a game because the trailer looks cool. That's sort of the point of trailers. If trailers weren't cool, people probably wouldn't even consider buying the game. So, of course trailers are lies.
troslim said:
I agree with you. The trailers are made by companies to get people interested in their game and boost their sales. You only know for sure how the game plays, looks or feels from actually playing the game. So when seeing a trailer, you always have to stay on guard against companies deceiving you.
All trailers are like this, espically movie trailers those are the worst kind of trailers to get your hopes up.
In-engine trailers will almost always give an authentic image of a game, but let's accept that companies need to make entertaining trailers to attract gamers, it's business after all. In my opinion, pre-rendered trailers can looked down as an "unethical" thing to do but I really like them, they give you a good grasp of what the story will be about in the game and what the main conflict will be.
This is actually great timing because I linked my friend the Starwars: Battlefront 3 E3 video and he was laughing at me saying the game will never look like that in a million years. Being an oldskool type of gamer I've always gone for gameplay over graphics, for example when playing Skyrim the parts that annoyed me was the amount of glitches in the graphics and the game in general. I would have rather it looked like Baldurs Gate than these so called graphics which do not really help my gaming experience at all.

Not sure how to link a video but here is what I mean: link
Some of them are lies or too ambigous.  Sony has a bad history of phony trailers and demonstrations that are supposedly in game.  I saw the Battlefront footage too but I think it wouldn't look too far off from that.  The amount of movie like trailers at E3 though, was pretty annoying.
It's well known that trailers and E3 gameplay shows a lot more. Remember Watch Dogs? The early stuff shown at E3 look amazing. It was quickly set to be one of the Next Gen Console graphics benchmark games. Sadly the release game didn't really look or even feel as good. 
I wouldn't;t ever trust a game trailer again after seeing what they did to one of the most over hyped game of E3 2012. Remember the Watch Dogs footage that was showcased to us back n 2012? Well, that was something really cool, wasn't it? And by the time it launched, the had degraded everything significantly. I don;t know why they did it, but it must have been because of old-gen consoles. They had to somehow fit this demanding game into those machines to sell more copies. 

The crux of the matter is, I am not going to trust these CGI trailers anymore. They can showcase all these fancy stuff as much as they want to, but I am not pushing that pre-order button anymore until I see some gameplay. For example, Destiny looks like it's going to be the game we are being told by the Bungie. After getting my hands on the Destiny Alpha, I can assure you guys that whatever they showcased or told us, is really happening!