Game you're most excited for after E3?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks, 

So now that E3 is done and over with and the excitement over the tons of next gen games has died down a bit, what upcoming games are you most excited for?

For me it's got to be a tie between the Super Smash Bros 4 and The Division. Don't think I have to explain the Smash bros hype and The Division just looks like it has potential to be such a fun game between friends. 

Special nod goes towards Destiny, excited to see how Bungie does with a non Halo IP. There's a lot of pressure on them to make a great game so I'm just excited to see if they will deliver or not.
If we're talking games that were heavily featured/talked about after E3, then it would be Kingdom Hearts 3. It seems like it'll be a far way off though.

Other than that, I'm pretty excited for Saints Row 4. I loved Saints Row 3 and it seems to be more of the same.

My special nod would also go to Destiny. Not too excited yet, but it looks like it has a lot of potential. It's the only other game mentioned which I've any major interest in. 
I'm really looking forward to Watch Dogs, I remember reading about it last year and almost forgot all about it until E3. The Division is also incredibly appealing and I've been reading a lot about that too, I love open world games! Titanfall looks promising too, multiplayer shooters are my favourite.

Overall there was so much good stuff it's hard to pick one but Watch Dogs is near the top for me.
For me it is Metal Gear Solid 5. I am so happy the finally announced it, I really enjoyed the 4th one. The new Smash Brothers is exciting as well. Actually this is the first E3 in a while where I am actually excited for what was announced. Obviously because of the new consoles coming out but I still didn't think I would be this excited. A special mention goes to Saints Row 4 as well, I loved playing the 3rd one. Was crazy all the things you can do,  I wonder what they will do with the 4th one.
Before E3 I wasn't familiar with the "watchdogs" title. But after seeing that brief demo I was very, and I mean very impressed! I can't wait to see more trailers on this game and when the console comes out it will probably be one of the first games, if not the first game I purchase.
Destiny for sure, but I've been a huge Bungie fan since Halo CE. The fact that it will be multiplatform is a major factor in my fondness of the PS4; no matter what Sony's machine can do or what their business model is, they have to have the games, and Destiny is my most-anticipated.
For me, I'm looking for Destiny and The Division for the Xbox 360. I also can't wait to check out things for the PS4 when it's out.
I don't think this was in E3, I think it got delayed but I can't help myself but put this game in here because it will be EPIC! GTA V I can't wait for it, this game looks amazing. One of my main reasons I'm excited is I've loved this game for all my life, for as long back as I can remember I would just roam around and destroy everything! I love sandbox games/open world and the GTA Series is surely my favorite of all time.
Going in I was the most excited for Watch Dogs. Coming out of E3, I'm the most excited for PS4...and Watch Dogs. The whole concept of the game is just fascinating for me. It (hopefully) takes what I love about GTA and turns everything on its head. It's a new concept - a frighteningly relevant, realistic concept - that will infiltrate a gaming market infiltrated with tired, old idea. 

As for consoles, I was interested in both the One and the PS4 prior to E3. No real excitement, just interest. Leaving E3, I'm all about the PS4. There's just way too many things for the One that I disagree with or find repulsive. 
For me, the next Kingdom Hearts and Zelda : A Link Between World are the two I anticipate the most. I'll probably get a PS4 sooner or later and KH3 will be in the same basket. 

I already got a 3DS so I just need to wait for Zelda to come out. 

Like Dr23, the PS4 won my vote during E3, but as a current owner of PS3 and previous owner of PS2 and PSX, I wasn't really hard to get. They just conviced me to get it within the next year, instead of waiting 2 or 3. 
Definitely hyped for Final Fantasy XV and Metal Gear Solid V. Those are the two best E3 2013 games for me. I'm happy MGSV is for both generations, so I don't need to wait!
Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 really came out as great surprises, but then we have the "smaller" titles like Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed that are pretty cool too.
I'm a bit cautious about MGSV as the new open-world gameplay, new voice acting and new storyline would be terrible if they couldn't pull it off.  But hey, it's Konami, Kojima will probably somehow go game of the decade with it.  Super Smash Bros. U is the reason why I waited to buy a Wii U - I'm really glad with how it looks and its features.  No more tripping, Mega Man, those amazing graphics in 60fps.  I am definitely going to attempt to main Wii Fit Trainer though.

Sonic Lost Worlds is another one.  Super Mario World 3D looks okay, but Sonic Lost Worlds seems like it'll trump it.  I don't know though, as I haven't seen the 3DS gameplay.  Lost Worlds looks very beautiful, runs smoothly and just looks fun to play.

1v1 me no items final destination wii fit trainer only
Hmm.. that's a tough one.

If I really had to pick just one game, I think I'd go with X by Monolith Soft.
The open world, the mechas, the beautiful environment, the robo-dinosaurs, it all looks really promising to me.

I'm excited for more games of course but this definitely takes the top spot for me right now.
I can't wait to get my hands on the new Battlefront and the new Battlefield. I'm also looking forward to Destiny because I love Bungie and that type a genre. I just hope they don't turn out to be a giant flop. But before I can get the new Battlefield I probably need a new computer because my computer right now is pretty bad. 
Watch Dogs get my vote I guess. From what I've seen, the game looks really great, and reminds me a bit of Deus Ex. I'm a huge fan of Deus Ex games so I'm really looking forward to Watch Dogs more than anything at the moment.

After Watch Dogs, the second in my list would be Final Fantasy XV for sure. I remember the first time I played FFVII... brings back so many memories! I'm sure it will be such a great game as always.