Gamer - label of ignorance


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Basically i believe that the term "Gamer" has to go. The reason it has to go is because it is stereotype label for people who enjoy one particular form of mass media yet there are no other labels for enjyoing other forms of mass media such as books and films. There is such a wide range of what can define someone as a gamer. Some people feel its only those who spend hours playing games while others belive its anyone who has ever played a game before. The simple fact is we shouldn't label ourselves and others and as a result bring a sting of backlash from the public founded from ignorance associated with this term.

I am not the best at explaining my views on this as they practically mirror those of Extra Credits and I don't want to be accused of stealing their opinions. So I will let them take it from here and hope that they can get accross the view much better

Extra Credits-Gamer
But, I personally don't watch TV. The only thing I do in media, is music, games, and anime streaming.
If we don't label, how would we know what type of person we are? Also, being a gamer is a good thing for me; I don't care if I'm labeled like that, because gaming is good. Also, A gamer is anyone that plays games regularly, not once a month, or just once. And if everyone was different, we would never find common ground, and everyone would fight over everything. Labels do more good than harm.

Wrong section by the way.
I see no wrong in being a gamer, I actually see it being better then a geek.
I just consider the word gamer as someone who plays video or computer games for fun.

I think I understand what you say that the word Gamer is typically a stereotype for people who eat chettos, Dorritos, pizza, and drink soda while playing video games all night in their mom's basement.

like this guy.

I'm not like that. I'm 14, have to live with my mom, I don't eat junk food, or anything like that, I play sports, I go outside, I'm a gamer.
i wonder why it's "nerdy" to play computer games but it seems to be completely okay to watch some soap operas. and then we also have people with sports/exercise addiction and no one is accusing them.

well we are all the same, we do stuff for fun and entertainment. nothing bad.
–noun Slang .
a stupid, irritating, ineffectual, or unattractive person.
an intelligent but single-minded person obsessed with a nonsocial hobby or pursuit: a computer nerd.

Weird definitions. lol
Most people are not interested / are not very capable in intellectual subjects, so they feel that intelligent people are a threat to them. That's why they try to call them names like "nerd".
It isn't just that there is a stereotype. Its that its a label that is unnecessary. Like the video I posted shows, you don't label someone because they read books, watch films, listen to music etc. so why label them for enjoying a particualr form of mass media over another? There is such a broad variety of people who play games from those who may enjoy a bit of wii sports every now and then to those who burn away 16 hours a day on World of Warcraft. The label is unneccessary as you shouldn't label someone because they like one kind of mass media. I read books, do I get a label for that? No I don't so why should I get any kind of label whether negative or neutral for playing games. All it shows is that games are still not an accepted form of mass media yet and that needs to change. I refer again to the video link in my original post as it explains it best.
I'm not sure most people saw your video at . I agree with the video points that gamers should not be labeled as people who "only like video games"