GamerPerfection's application[Denied]

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Xbox 360
What position are you applying for?: Vice-Admin
Location & time zone: UK GMT 0
Favorite types of games?: FPS / Third-person
How many free hours do you have per week/day to dedicate to the forum?: 2 hours a day at least, often more.
If you have been staff at another forum how long were you staff for?: I ran my own forum for several years as Admin, and i've been a Moderator on another forum for 5 months now.
What are your favorite features/forums/areas in Gamingforce?: Debate section (sometimes get carried away) and mainly Xbox sections.
Why do you want to be a staff member?: Because I feel with my lengthy experience as an Admin I can provide GF with the skills required and as it continues to grows that tells me it's worth it.
What would make you unique as staff?: Hmm, well mainly my Admin skills and my heavy experience with forums in general.... not sure if that's unique to current staff though.
Anything else you like to mention?: Erm... I'm better than DS?
Thank you for being interested in joining the GF staff, unfortunately you do not meet the requirements or the staff have rejected your resume. Feel free to PM the staff to learn more.

-GF Staff
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