Games that are easier/harder than other people think?


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What games do you think are much easier/harder than others on the internet and why?

Me personally:

Harder than people give them credit for:

Yoshi's Island. Not the normal levels, but damn the likes of Crazy Maze Days/Endless World of Yoshis are way, way harder than people think. Along with the Yoshi's Island DS secret levels, I'd say this is the closest the Mario series has ever got to 'unfair' level design (Endless World of Yoshis, not Yoshi's Island in general).

New Super Mario Bros 1/2/Wii/U. They're not super hard by any means, but I think people really like to downplay the difficulty level of the New Super Mario Bros series. Sure they give you lots of lives and stuff, but can you really say you had no trouble with ANY of the Star Coins or secret levels? They're at least as hard as the dragon coins in Super Mario World, and in the case of the latter sometimes on par with the special world.

Yoshi's Island DS and Donkey Kong Country Returns. Two
pretty damn tough recent Nintendo 2D platformers which are way harder
than their predecessors.

Easier than people think:

Super Mario World. Tubular, Outrageous and perhaps Awesome are difficult or annoying. The rest of the game? Not so much. It's basically the same difficulty as the New Super Mario Bros series, complete with the same save system (and easier bosses).

Above: If you had trouble with these bosses, you are pretty much crap at video games

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. It's not a hard game by any means, but come on. People complaining about no mid level save points? That Gamespot reviewer who gave up on the third boss? Are you that used to games based on quick time events and cut scenes you can't even handle this?

Luigi's Mansion 1. I actually had someone claim it was more difficult than I said it was on Youtube. I disagree. I somehow remember how to beat pretty much the entire game blindfolded even today, and could probably write a walkthrough from memory.

Super Mario 64. I never really found the camera angles or control as bad as some people say. Same with the touch screen and D Pad controls in Super Mario 64 DS.

Si what games do you think are easier or harder than others online seem to think and why?

New Super Mario Brothers 2. If I could have died in that game in the 3 hours it took to beat or the other 3 hours I spent getting the 100% for all hidden coins I may have agreed with you. I think I totaled maybe 4 deaths and 2 were in the final fight (because I did the fight twice and for some reason on my first attempt had no problems but on the second and third mistimed my jumps).

Super Mario 3D Land. Didn't die more than the two times I jumped into a pit intentionally. Took 2 1/2 hours to beat and 100% with no FAQ or Walkthrough help. Yeah... why bother even playing that game? too easy and short and the hidden coins are even EASIER than NSMB2 were to find. At least with NSMB2 I had to look up why I had a rainbow level that suddenly appeared..

Luigi's Mansion 2 and Super Mario World, I agree with Nin3DS' statements above.


Ugh, this is hard... I can't recall a Nintendo developed game that gave me trouble in YEARS. I could add a LOT to both lists had it not been Nintendo-only, as your examples let on.

Elebits: The core of the game is easy but I still have yet to unlock all of the levels due to some of the levels having a LOT of hidden stuff!
It doesn't have to be Nintendo only games. This topic is general discussion, so all games can be mentioned regardless of system.
It doesn't have to be Nintendo only games. This topic is general discussion, so all games can be mentioned regardless of system.

Right, duh. *headdesk*

Okay then;

Easier: round two

Pushmo: I bought this game expecting a lot of brain-straining gameplay. I beat it in mere hours (I think about 3 or 4). With that said, I watched the video trailer for Crashmo and it looks so hard I am too intimidated to try it! @.@

Cave Story: This game was a joke of easiness - especially with the machine gun. Not saying it is bad (although I feel it is FAR too over-hyped) but it is not as difficult as people led me to believe - and not nearly as long as I had thought.

Devil May Cry (any of the original 3): With the exception of Dante Must Die mode, I found them all to be easy (although the first one was the hardest and had a decent difficulty the first time you pick it up). Bayonetta I found to be a lot more difficult.

Harder: Round Two:

WTF (Work Time Fun): This Wario Ware clone makes ALL the Wario Ware games look like a connect the dot game with only one dot. Never tried it? Have a PSP? Get it.

Mega Man: The original and very first one. I know even as an avid fan of the series the first game is STILL difficult for me (with the exception of Powered Up for PSP). It is the only one of the original 7 that I cannot simply plow my way through with pellets alone until the end boss as I can the others. Elec Man without having the correct ability? Pssh! Best of luck with THAT!

Ray Man: Again, the original. This game has an insane difficulty once you hit about half way.

Resident Evil Zero: That GameCube game most overlooked? Yeah, I have never beaten it. The only Resident Evil game I have ever had to retry on easy before beating and STILL could not do it! the computer partner's AI is about as useful as an unplugged microwave with no door. It uses every herb and bullet firing at its own feet! No joke! I can't tell you how many times the AI character stood in a corner facing said corner and fired into his own feet like an immature online random player trying to troll me!

Final Fantasy Tactics: And before anyone says anything, listen; I KNOW you can simply restart from last save to avoid what I am about to say, but let's be honest here ; you can't gauge a game's difficulty if you have to glitch / break / or do some other similar tactic to avoid playing it as it was meant to. That being said the random encounters - seriously, WTF!? Anyone who knows me knows well how often I complain about enemies leveling up with you in video games. this game was the start of that hatred. 'Hatred' being a loose representation of what I really feel. You lose a character in FFT and you are stuck having to purchase another one. that's all fine and good except when said character ALWAYS comes at level ONE! The enemies level up with your main character and are programmed to target the weakest one first. This means your new character will NEVER level up and will almost always die immediately in battle! And yes, I know special characters don't die for good, but still - that whole thing was insanely unbalanced, in my opinion.
Atelier Totori for the PS3/PS Vita. Reviews and the overall look/feel of this game lull you into believing you're playing a laid-back, easy-to-beat and play game. And you'd think that way until midway through the game when you realize you've never gone this far into an RPG and still be DIRT POOR, and with the way things are progressing, probably won't be able to get even one of the decent endings. Resources - from money, MP, and most especially, TIME, are limited, and it takes a lot of real alchemical and time-management skill to be successful. This is my first time playing the series so I made quite a few mistakes. I'm 4/5 in and my characters still have laughable armor, it's so sad. That said, I'm enjoying the game a lot and plan to do a New Game+ to put to use my new and improved alchemy skills.

Persona 4 (Golden) was originally a challenge for me in the first couple of dungeons (my first Persona game), but once I got the hang of the s. links and demon fusing system, my team and Personas were just way overpowered and destroyed everything on my path. I had many of the higher-level skills by the the 4th or 5th dungeon. Bosses hardly gave me a scratch. I will definitely play it on harder difficulty for New Game+.

HarmoKnight (eshop) - I've been playing the demo over and over for 3 days straight and still CANNOT get a consistent GREAT! scoring 3/4 of the time! Granted, I'm not really good with rhythm games but this game demands too much perfection. I love playing the demo so I'm seriously considering it for purchase except the timing difficulty and $15 price tag makes me hesitant.
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Everyone thinks the Monster Hunter series is super hard. Granted certain areas or missions are, but it really isn't like unbeatable hard or rage inducing hard.

I'd say dark souls for the hard one but I think everyone knows that game is difficult.
Beatstomper....I thought it was an easy game...but even now, I am struggling to get 200 points.
Well, it's the ultimate goal...but still.