Games that really s****


Queen of Games!
Full GL Member
I've just censored the word "suck" or is *shit*
in the thread's title because it can hurt someone's feelings if you say someone else's favourite game is *s****" or "s*****".

Some of the worst games I've ever played: Battlefield. Some might like it, but I just hate it.

Guitar Hero or something in the same vein: game's graphics/music put me off overall. I've never played, but
I've watched my friends play.

Dance dancing (or something similar): I don't like it because of it's music tracks and etc. And it's a very
boring game in my book only.
Games that are shit are games that have too many bugs like Batman Arkham Origins when save files become corrupt and you have to start again.

And I don't see why saying someones favourite game is shit would hurt their feelings. Everyone has their own opinion about a game.