Nov 7, 2011 #1 Naiwen Queen of Games! Full GL Member Credits 3,630 So yeah, what do you think of games turned into movies/anime? I personally think it sucks. Because 1: they don't really follow the plot and the colors are a bit off sometimes.
So yeah, what do you think of games turned into movies/anime? I personally think it sucks. Because 1: they don't really follow the plot and the colors are a bit off sometimes.
Nov 7, 2011 #2 GracefulAssassin Mori Hater Credits 1,010 You only stated one reason... And I like the idea, but the outcome ends up HORRIBLE.
Nov 7, 2011 #3 Naiwen Queen of Games! Full GL Member Credits 3,630 Read my phrase correctly, there's the conjunction "and", so that's reason number 2. XD
Nov 7, 2011 #5 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 53,837 funny enough, I just watched the Dead of Alive movie yesterday. The core plot was good but everything else was HORRIBLY AWFUL! Heed my words, video games and anime should remain video games and anime, only those two should cross with each other.
funny enough, I just watched the Dead of Alive movie yesterday. The core plot was good but everything else was HORRIBLY AWFUL! Heed my words, video games and anime should remain video games and anime, only those two should cross with each other.
Nov 7, 2011 #6 GracefulAssassin Mori Hater Credits 1,010 I bet they could make a good Final Fantasy movie... Oh wait, that already happened. :3
Nov 7, 2011 #7 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 53,837 GracefulAssassin said: I bet they could make a good Final Fantasy movie... Oh wait, that already happened. :3 Click to expand... but they haven't made a live action one yet.
GracefulAssassin said: I bet they could make a good Final Fantasy movie... Oh wait, that already happened. :3 Click to expand... but they haven't made a live action one yet.
Nov 8, 2011 #9 Naiwen Queen of Games! Full GL Member Credits 3,630 Difference between a live action and a movie? I can't tell. XD
Nov 8, 2011 #10 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 53,837 Sanaki said: Difference between a live action and a movie? I can't tell. XD Click to expand... there one in the same.
Sanaki said: Difference between a live action and a movie? I can't tell. XD Click to expand... there one in the same.
Nov 8, 2011 #11 I Ikram45 Well-Known Member Credits 350 I don't think videogames should turn into movies because at certain times they may seem more of a joke to you. They might also lack the orignal plot.
I don't think videogames should turn into movies because at certain times they may seem more of a joke to you. They might also lack the orignal plot.
Nov 8, 2011 #12 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 53,837 to turn this conversation around, some video games are becoming more movie like each year.
Nov 8, 2011 #13 GracefulAssassin Mori Hater Credits 1,010 Games becoming movie like is fine. Uncharted is an amazing example, and it's a great game, and it's like a movie.
Games becoming movie like is fine. Uncharted is an amazing example, and it's a great game, and it's like a movie.
Nov 10, 2011 #14 Demon_Skeith Administrator Staff member Administrator Credits 53,837 the new tomb raider games is another good example.
Nov 10, 2011 #15 froggyboy604 Well-Known Member Staff member Manager Full GL Member Credits 24,385 I think a few of the movies are good. I enjoyed FF7 Advent Children.