Games you purchased with reviews


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Do you always make use of game's reviews before purchasing them or do you just leap at them based on your guts?

If there are games you purchased without reviews, let's hear about them. Was it a hit or miss?
I usually don't read the rewiews that are posted on Steam or other platforms for the game but I watch short videos. This way I can decide better for myself if I'd like the game. Anyways, most platforms offer refunds under certain conditions if you have bought a game and didn't like it.
I generally look at reviews before playing so I feel like I haven't wasted my time. But there's the off chance a game looks good on paper or you deny a review when the trailer looks good then realize they were right all along.
I usually read reviews before buying most of my games. I bought Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Gran Tourismo, Forza, and other game franchises because they had good reviews. Reading reviews is also kind of fun.