Games you're looking forward to this year?


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It's only just become 2016, so what upcoming games are you looking forward to?

For me, Zelda is the obvious choice. That Wii U one could be absolutely amazing if it really is an open world game with all the stuff Aonuma has been talking about.

I guess also any NX games, if it comes out then. But hey, we don't really know if that's going to be the case.

So what games are you looking forward to in 2016?
Zelda Wii U for sure.

Right now my memory slips me, but I think Mighty No. 9 comes out this year and I'm pretty excited for that. I actually need a list of games coming out this year, then I can choose lol.
Dark Souls 3
No Man's Sky
Mass Effect Andromeda
The Division
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Ratchet & Clank
Fable Legends
Final Fantasy XV
Horizon Zero Dawn
I am looking forward to getting Super Mario Paper Jam for the Nintendo 3DS. I know that came out this month but I haven't bought the same yet. I'm waiting to get enough money for it.

I don't know what else Nintendo is coming up with this year, either for the 3DS or the Wii U, but I'll be sure keep my eye out for any interesting games.
Plants vs zombies garden warfare 2 - most of all because its a very good game. I played the beta for a few days and it was loads of fun, got a few characters to level 10 in no time, it was the funest game ive played since the first one, and i still play that.
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It's still unsure as to whether or not it'll be released this year but I'm looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3. I also think that The Division looks really cool.