GameStop Announces Big Crypto Move


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I wonder if we can buy games and consoles with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
I'm glad that they went for the wallet option rather than creating another unecessary marketplace. Will be interesting to see how it goes as a GME stock holder (just the two though)
This is a good plan to prevent some losses in the market. But it will further devalue crypto when everyone has it, or at least the big businesses.
I don't even know how this wallet thing works though.
A crypto pro can jump on and explain it better if I'm wrong. But a wallet is basically a way to hold your cryptocurrency or NFTs. I think people prefer wallets since they're actually holding their own assets instead of an exchange holding it for you.
The value of cryptocurrency likes in the fact that it has a use case, such as buying goods and services. A lot of businesses allow cryptocurrency payment. Therefore, crypto payment coming to game platform is a good news.
I did wonder how long this would last. There does seem to be a lot of red tape around crypto and NFTs at the moment and it does not make sense to stick with it causing more stress and moving their focus from game stores and websites they have.