Other GameStop Finally Closes Stores


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Given mounting criticism and their biggest game releases now done, Gamestop will now close all their stores to the public.
I feel many people expeced stores like Gamestop to close down. A lot of places are limiting people from going out of the house for going to restaurants, movie thetres, and the library.
No no no please wait like 9 more days I already preordered Persona 5 The Royal NOOOOOOOOO! T_T
They should have closed awhile ago, but with a big release date for AC they waited. I thought it was funny that they called them essential because they sold keyboards and mouse's.
No no no please wait like 9 more days I already preordered Persona 5 The Royal NOOOOOOOOO! T_T

Cancel the preorder from gamestop and buy the game digitally from psn?
Cancel the preorder from gamestop and buy the game digitally from psn?
My internet is too crappy for that. If I buy a game digially on the Switch it takes 2 or 3 days to download. Someone I work with told me that I could still get it. The one I work near is still going to be open and they'll give you the game as long as it's paid for in full, which mine is, so I'll see. If not, I'll have to wait until this stay at home order thing is over in two weeks and pick it up there. Can't be too hard to avoid spoilers. It's been out in Japan for a few months and haven't seen anything.
My internet is too crappy for that. If I buy a game digially on the Switch it takes 2 or 3 days to download. Someone I work with told me that I could still get it. The one I work near is still going to be open and they'll give you the game as long as it's paid for in full, which mine is, so I'll see. If not, I'll have to wait until this stay at home order thing is over in two weeks and pick it up there. Can't be too hard to avoid spoilers. It's been out in Japan for a few months and haven't seen anything.

I see.

Well that's good to hear, hopefully you'll get the game from them!
My internet is too crappy for that. If I buy a game digially on the Switch it takes 2 or 3 days to download. Someone I work with told me that I could still get it. The one I work near is still going to be open and they'll give you the game as long as it's paid for in full, which mine is, so I'll see. If not, I'll have to wait until this stay at home order thing is over in two weeks and pick it up there. Can't be too hard to avoid spoilers. It's been out in Japan for a few months and haven't seen anything.

varies by store, but I'm sure for P5 they will have some kind of hand out at the store door entrance.