GameStop To Sell Cricket Wireless Service, Phones


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GameStop announced on Monday that it is expecting to sell Cricket Wireless services, phones and accessories by the end of October. Customers will be able to bring in their old phones, tablets, videogame consoles and other gadgets and use that credit for a new Cricket Wireless phone. The leftover credit, if there is any, can be used to buy other goodies within the GameStop store.
"GameStop is committed to providing our customers the greatest value and service to meet all their video game, technology and now wireless needs," said Tony Bartel, president of GameStop. "By offering Cricket Wireless service in our stores, we provide yet another great offering for our customers to get their favorite technology simply and affordably."
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Hopefully, the phones Gamestop sells are fast enough to play modern smartphone games.
I see they are branching out to save themselves from when all things go digital.
I think Gamestop also sells download codes or giftcards for Steam, PSN, Xbox, and other online services to make money from digital sales. If Gamestop wanted to they could also create a payment service like Paypal or Prepaid credit cards where people add money to it at a local Gamestop to buy games online from different online stores.

Gamestop may also make more money when games become all digital because there still maybe a large amount of people who still have slower internet,  or prefer physical games, so they will be willing to pay even higher prices to buy old consoles which can play offline games, and used game discs and cartridges to play their games offline without the need to download them first. Gamestop would most likely raise the cost of used console, and games when things become all digital because there would be a shortage of offline games from people with slower internet connection connections.

I bet Gamestop could also create their own console like the Steam Machine, Ouya, and Madcatz Mojo to sell offline games which are installed on SD cards, USB flash drives, and other affordable storage devices for storing games.
I think Gamespot has a lot of money from selling over priced used games, used consoles, and other stuff, so they can always hire workers and other companies to make consoles, and games.

The Ouya did not have much staff, or money, and they created a mini-console with some interesting games.