I personally think gaming can enable us to make better decisions for ourselves. For example, when I'm depressed or suicidal, I turn to gaming because it's letting me think that I could choose everything from gender to race to class. How about you? Do you think gaming enables decision-making for an individual in your opinion?
I find gaming can help you identify risks in a safe space. From making long jumps to optimizing strategies and interactions. It improves your mood by thinking about stories and character development rather than the grim realities we see every day. Then there's the freedom of playing rather than being limited by others' actions. And maybe you can be aware of bad choices in real life like overspending and keeping wealth rather than seeing value in spending alone.
I think gaming can improve decision in real life. I feel simulation games like the sims, and RPG games like Final Fantasy can teach important life lessons in the game which can help with better decision making in reality.